We met Sentamen in the summer of 2015. At the time she had 4 small children which she was raising by herself. Recognizing that she was making efforts to support herself and make the most of a difficult decision, Children’s World Impact committed to purchasing her a plot of land and to build a basic home in which she could raise her family. After obtaining a legal form of identification, which she had never had, CWI was able to purchase a piece of land for the planned house. Unfortunately, due to circumstances beyond our control, we then lost contact with Sentamen.
After much searching through local Haitian contacts, we were able to locate Sentamen at the end of 2016. At the time, she was living on the land, but in a home that was barely inhabitable. Construction of a new home began early in 2017, and was completed in June. The house consists of a living area, a room for dining, a small kitchen, a bathroom, and bedrooms for the children and Sentamen. Tyson Ray, founder of CWI, and board member, Mike Hoffman, were able to see the home during a short visit to Haiti and reconnect with Sentamen and her children. It was a day neither will soon forget, as they were able to celebrate a promise fulfilled!