Financial Opportunities
Many women around the world are never given access to bank accounts, small loans, or the ability to make financial progress to further themselves or their dependent children.
Recognizing the need for women to have financial independence, we began a micro-loan program in Ghana, Africa in 2019. In conjunction with a local branch bank, women receive loans at a reduced rate and are given access to banking services they would otherwise never have. To date, dozens of women have received a small loan to pursue entrepreneurial endeavors and each and every loan has been paid back in full! The success of this program continues to this day and is one of the greatest success stories of Children’s World Impact.

Group Loans
Women receive their loans as a group. While each woman receives her own loan, the group takes responsibility for the repayment of the loans of the entire group. Before receiving a loan, women receive training on repayment strategies and must have a minimum amount of money to open an account at the local bank, thus providing them more financial access to services.

Supporting Families
The majority of women who receive the loans are widows with young children, like the one pictured here. The money that is gained through the opportunity of starting a small business or raising crops that can be taken to market allows these women to better care for their children and do things like pay for school fees.

The majority of women who receive a loan use it to engage in farming. The loan allows them to purchase seeds and other necessary supplies in order to grow crops that can then be taken to market and sold. Behind the main building at the widows’ project that Children’s World Impact supports in Ghana are small plots of land that the women can use for crop farming. There is water accessible at this location, which allows women the ability to farm during the dry season, which would otherwise be impossible.
$30 Can Make a Difference
A dollar a day for the next month can provide a woman in Ghana a small loan that can make a HUGE difference.
431 Geneva National Avenue South
Lake Geneva, Wisconsin 53147
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