In the 1960’s, a barefoot boy ran through the dusty streets of Thomassique, in Central Haiti. When he was born, he had a 19% chance of dying by his first birthday and the life expectancy of his neighbors was only 41 years. Despite this inauspicious start, he not only survived disease, but two violent dictatorships and four coup d’états. The son of a pastor, his father did his best to share Christ above the political fray. He recalls a day when his father gave sanctuary to two members of warring factions in different parts of his house…

On August 17, after several conversations and much prayer, CWI held a “socially distant and coronavirus-conscious” golf outing at Geneva National in Lake Geneva. Things were very different, with no group activities or banquet meals. Golfers had individual tee times to space themselves around the course and play their game in the beautiful outdoors. The day was absolutely perfect in terms of weather, and also in terms of spreading the word about the current mission focus for CWI…
Ensenda Home Builds
Children’s World Impact partnered with Youth With a Mission (YWAM) and Homes of Hope to help build two homes for two families in desperate need of basic living amenities. In July a home was built for Reyna, who is blind, and her two sons Andres and Oliver. They live on donated land and financial donations of approx $30 a month. The impact of this new furnished home is not lost on Reyna even though she will never see it.
The second home built in November was for a family of six. With the father, Ignacio, on disability, work is very difficult. This family was living in a structure made from old wood and tarps with no running water or electricity. Their new home was built and fully furnished, and a large gravity-forced water storage container was built to allow for clean water directly in the home.
Return of the Annual Food Packaging Event
On December 6th & 7th, hundreds of volunteers descended upon Lakeland Community Church to package over 150,000 meals. It was an amazing event to behold. Over the course of the two days, people from all generations came together to help package the meals that were on their way to feed children in Rwanda that following Wednesday! It was a great way to spend a weekend in December looking outside of ourselves and serving those in need.
Micro-Loan Program
Through our continued relationship with those in Ghana, we are excited to begin a micro-loan program. This allows women the opportunity to receive a small loan of $20-$100 to start a new or build upon an existing business. Working in groups of 10 from various local villages, widows will be offered loans at a much lower rate than is normal through the bank, with the commitment that the group supports each other in paying off each loan. Stay tuned for success stories in 2020!

Shortly after the dedication ceremony, the facility was open to the public on September 3, 2018. On that day, over 150 community members were seen by the clinic staff. Clearly, this medical facility will meet many of the medical needs of community members.
Second Haitian School Completed

Children’s World Impact financed the construction of its second elementary school in the country of Haiti in 2017. This school, located in Desarmes, Haiti, educates approximately 250 students, many of whom live in dorm buildings located on the same premises.
The school includes 8 classrooms, with 4 classrooms located in each of two wings, as well as a small administrative building that is located between the wings. CWI is proud to have partnered with Schools4Haiti on this project, another 501(c)(3) organization, which maintains the operational costs of this school, including staff salaries, curriculum, supplies, and uniforms, allowing the students to receive a totally free education.
African Project Updates
Children’s World Impact stays up to date on operations from the widows’ project in Ghana, Africa. While the project is self-sustaining overall, occasionally there are capital improvements that need to be made. This year, we updated the project with a high powered electrical transformer that will lower the costs of electrical usage for the shea butter production and water bagging. In addition, a vehicle was purchased that transfers meals from the village primary school to the preschool, that was financed by CWI.
Food Packaging Event
Thanks to the efforts of Lakeland Community Church in Lake Geneva, WI, Children’s World Impact was able to conduct a Food Packaging Event in March of 2017. While the church raised the necessary $25,000 to package 100,000 meals, CWI came along side the church and helped organize and run the event. With over 1,000,000 meals packaged throughout the years, CWI has honed the organizational details that make such an event a success. The meals packaged were sent to Swaziland, located in the southern horn of the continent of Africa. These meals were used to feed orphans in that country.
Preschool Completed in Ghana, Africa

CWI Responds to Earthquake in Ecuador

Children’s World Impact worked with strategic local partners to make a long-lasting impact that helped affected families recover from the terrible tragedy. Two separate homes were built for families with children. One home was completed in November of 2016. The Limongi-Macias Family (pictured left), who were located in Tarqui, the epicenter of the earthquake, lost their home and their business. A modest 500 square foot home was built, complete with a kitchen, bathroom, living area, and two bedrooms for this family of 3.
School Construction Begins in Haiti

Artist rendition of completed school, based on architectural plans
Preschool Construction Continues in Ghana, Africa

This facility will be a big draw to the community, as facilities like this are rare in the rural areas of Ghana.
Two Family Homes are Built in Haiti

The first home, whose construction is pictured, was for a family of 8, whose eldest son acted as an interpreter for many of the medical missions conducted in Haiti by CWI over the years. The home included a large living and dining area, 3 bedrooms, a bathroom with modern fixtures, as well as an enclosed Haitian kitchen.
The second home was built for a widow whose home was literally crumbling before her eyes.
CWI Hosts Another Successful Food Packaging Event

One of the highlights of this year’s event was the sale of 150 hand-twined rugs, which were made by Haitian women through Haiti Looms for Life. The rugs were a great success, helping provide much needed income to the women who made them.
Preschool Construction Begins in Ghana, Africa

We anticipate completion of this facility in 2015.
Two Mission Teams Head to Haiti

The second team stationed themselves at the GVCM orphanage, and spent a week bonding with the orphans. The team kept themselves busy with arts and crafts activities, sporting events, human growth and development classes, as well as VBS activities for the youngest orphans. It was a week the members won’t soon forget!
Over 100,000 Meals Packaged

Two Mission Teams Head to Haiti

The second team did projects in and around the property of GVCM in Mirebalais. In addition, they spent time with the over 100 orphans that are residents of the orphanage.
Boys' Dorm Building is Dedicated

Pictured are some of the young men who are residing at this new facility. The Joshua Building is pictured behind them.
Mechanized Equipment is Installed at Widow's Project

In addition, grain grinding equipment was installed. This enables the women to create corn meal and other grain products used for baking as well as other products that can be sold at market and create an income for the women.
2010 Earthquake Stimulates First Food Packaging Events

Pictured here are Tyson Ray, founder of CWI, and Julie Nor, CWI board member, during a 2011 trip to Haiti. In their hands is one of the boxes that was packaged at a previous CWI food packaging event.
Elementary School is Built in Haiti

Well Provides Needed Water for Widows' Project

In 2012 a well was dug, which will provide water to the project. A pump will be installed that will take water to a water tank. Eventually a gravity fed system will provide running water to the production center.
Support for House of Hope

Child from Turkey Receives Support

Foundation Supports a Local Adoption

431 Geneva National Avenue South
Lake Geneva, Wisconsin 53147
© 2017 Children’s World Impact