CWI Packs Its 2,000,000th Meal!
This year’s Food Packing Event marked the 2,000,000th meal packed by volunteers at CWI’s annual event. What began in 2010 as a response to the devastating earthquake that hit Haiti in January of that year, has turned into a yearly event that has welcomed thousands of volunteers who have given of their time and energy to pack meals that get sent around the world to feed hungry children and families. This year’s event, which took place on December 8 & 9, was hosted by Faith Christian School in Williams Bay. We are grateful to the staff and students of the school for the use of their facility. We are also extremely thankful for the partnership we have with Kids Around the World out of Rockford, Illinois, and their OneMeal program, which supplies all the equipment and meal ingredients and has the connections for shipping the meals to where they are most needed. Over the years, the over 2,000,000 meals from CWI’s annual event have gone to Haiti, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Kenya, Uganda, Zambia, and Rwanda.